Saturday, April 26, 2014

Bosco - Hooked on Hooker

"How much longer do we have to go", I asked. It seemed like we'd been following the hallway for hours.


"Bosco, are you paying any attention to where we're going?"


"Damn it, open your eyes - you're watching T.J. Hooker reruns again, aren't you." TV reruns were the sirens song for holos. They can watch them anytime they want. But they have to close their eyes to do it, The images are projected onto the inside of their eyelids. I think it was planned that way by the designers, so that the holos wouldn't become too powerful.

"Sorry, this hallway trip is boring me. I have to do something to pass the time"

"Well you could start thinking of what we're going to do when we get to the lobby. How are we going to get past the receptionist?"

"I was thinking that you could flirt with her, while I slip behind the counter and turn off the exit alarms."

It wan't a bad idea. I had to give Bosco his due. And the plan was just in time - I could see the lobby door up ahead - we were finally getting near the exit. I peeked around the ferns. Crap! The receptionist was a hologram. Now what are we going to do?

"The receptionist is a holo - now what are we going to do?" I asked. Wait - didn't I just say that?

"Ok. I'll flirt with the receptionist, and you sneak behind the counter." Suddenly, Bosco started to flicker. And there he was - T.J Hooker himself, standing right in front of me.

"I couldn't find a telephone booth to change in" he said.  "What's the matter, your dance card full?  I've seen the past, gentlemen, and it works!'.

I couldn't believe it - he walked right thru the door. "Damn it, Hooker - use the doorknob" but he was already in the lobby. So I took my own advice, opened the door, and snuck in behind him.


Follow Tales of Bosco, now on his own website!

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