Sunday, April 13, 2014

Chapter 3 - Project Bosco and the Prophets of Bill

We worked feverishly back then, me and Bosco. I was running a fever of 102, but Bosco - Bosco's fever was even higher.

He was delirious.

"More tsetse flies" he cried. "Where is that quinine?". I had to pretend that I was as stark ravers as he was, so that the accountants wouldn't figure out who I really was. That would have blown the whole project. And that couldn't, mustn't happen. We had to stay in Building 8 long enough to find out what they did with Bill.

Some say that Bill was a captive. Other's said he was a willing conspirator, but I didn't believe that, and neither did Bosco. But then, what did Bosco really know? He was just a hologram - 'Project Bosco' we called him to begin with. That was before we discovered that he had a hangnail. And he got paper cuts. So we had to start treating him like a human. I just called him Bosco - a first name like Project just made him sound Canadian. Of course, we knew he was, but we couldn't let the accountants find that out.

It was the accountants that had Bill - of that I was sure. The accountants, with their tales of easy credit, and fast ROI. Who wouldn't be deluded by such talk? Only a hologram, of course. And of course it was Bosco that first made me realize what was really going on. They're coming now, I hear them in the hallway. So I put Bosco back in his memory stick, and put it in my pocket...

Stay tuned for more 'Digressive Tales of Bosco'

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